Our strategic approach

Five-year strategy: 2018-2022

Our vision

A world in which pharmacology and therapeutics drive and support progress in science, medicine and healthcare.

Our mission

We will work with integrity to create global scientific, health, and economic impact by:

  • Supporting academic and industrial drug discovery
  • Improving outcomes for patients in relation to the therapeutic use of medicines
  • Widening participation in pharmacology and therapeutics to ensure a vibrant and diverse community and workforce
  • Increasing the visibility and influence of pharmacology and therapeutics through excellence in education, publishing, scientific meetings, communications, membership and policy with public engagement

Our partners

We will work nationally and internationally with members, patients and the public, educators and learners, academic institutions, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, the National Health Service, regulatory agencies, other learned societies, the media, and government and agencies involved in setting the policy agenda.

Our guiding principles

We are confident about the future of the Society and the value of pharmacology and therapeutics. We believe that:

  • Pharmacology and therapeutics make a unique contribution to research to develop new drugs, and to improving the use of existing drugs to create better patient outcomes
  • Pharmacology and therapeutics are evolving disciplines, and it is our responsibility to define, redefine and change them to reflect this
  • Our growing, global community of members is crucial to our success
  • Our goals in support of pharmacology and therapeutics and our membership can only be achieved if we ensure the financial sustainability of the Society Having fun is an important part of what we do


To have an impact, we will focus on delivering the following objectives:

  • To remove barriers to participation and success, while welcoming equality and celebrating diversity, and being inclusive in all we do: to set the agenda in education and skills; to support access and career progression; to support the next generation of learners undertaking education in pharmacology and clinical pharmacology; and to support pharmacology educators in their personal and professional development
  • To be the leader in the dissemination of world-class research related to pharmacology and therapeutics
  • To engage patients and partners in the NHS in our advocacy for fundamental and clinical research , as well as contributing to strategic leadership
  • To sustain a skilled workforce that supports the development of novel therapeutics
  • To lead the formation of valuable networks that reflect our position at the heart of the global pharmacology community
  • To deliver clear, relevant and accessible advice to policy makers
  • To nurture strategic partnerships across disciplines and sectors
  • To define, monitor and respond to strategic areas of scientific priority.

How we will deliver our strategy

  • Forming successful partnerships to maximize impact
  • Grounding our decision-making in evidence and research
  • Developing sustainable, ethical new sources of revenue and ensuring more of the Society’s activities are self-sustaining
  • Carefully considering our appetite for risk, and our ambition
  • Ensuring that our staff and members work positively, effectively, and in partnership throughout the management and governance of the Society