Undergraduate pharmacology core curriculum

Having successfully completed an undergraduate degree in Pharmacology, graduates will be able to integrate and apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes detailed in this core curriculum.

A fundamental aim of the British Pharmacological Society is to ‘promote and encourage the education and training of pharmacologists’. To meet the challenge of a changing global scientific landscape, pharmacology must be a responsive discipline, producing graduates who can innovate and adapt. This new core curriculum will inform undergraduate Pharmacology programmes and help educators nurture the graduates of the future. It was produced using a unique, subject community based adaptation of the Delphi method that drew on the expertise of over 40 stakeholders from academia, industry and beyond.

It will be freely available on the Society website for use by educators, employers and students to identify the core knowledge, skills and attitudes of Pharmacology undergraduates. The curriculum is not intended to be overly prescriptive and should be read in conjunction with the QAA Benchmark Statement for Biomedical Sciences. Educators should use their own academic judgement, experience, resources, and knowledge of their students’ needs in interpreting the curriculum and applying it to their programmes.

A primary goal of this project has been to establish the Society as a nucleus of support for pharmacology education. Through this project, the Education & Skills Affinity Group and other education-focussed activities, a pharmacology education community has begun to flourish. The next step will be to work with this community to support educators across the UK using the new core curriculum as a foundation.

View the undergraduate pharmacology core curriculum.