Aims & objectives

In 2018, we will deliver the following activities, mapped to our new strategic objectives:

To remove barriers to participation and success, while welcoming equality and celebrating diversity, and being inclusive in all we do.

  • Finalise the Society's inclusion strategy, and begin its implementation with the ultimate aim that projects are developed with active consideration of equality, diversity and inclusion

To set the agenda in education and skills

  • To support access and career progression
  • To support the next generation of learners undertaking education in pharmacology and clinical pharmacology
  • To support pharmacology educators in their personal and professional development

To be the leader in the dissemination of world-class research related to pharmacology and therapeutics

  • Deliver an integrated editorial strategy for BJP, BJCP and PR&P, focusing on journal development and growth
  • Explore new ways of disseminating and communicating the outputs of pharmacological research
  • Increase impact and quality of the Society's existing publications
  • Begin implementing the 5-year strategy of improving and growing the annual meeting
  • Review activities that will improve the quality of Society meetings, and our support for non-Society meetings

To engage patients and partners in the NHS in our advocacy for fundamental and clinical research, as well as contributing to strategic leadership

To sustain a skilled workforce that supports the development of novel therapeutics

  • Deliver high quality training and education activities with a focus on skills
  • Plan and begin implementing the expansion of the Society's Ambassadors scheme

To lead the formation of valuable networks that reflect our position at the heart of the global pharmacology community

  • Demonstrate the excellence of UK pharmacology and therapeutics, through attendance and support of WCP2018
  • Launch the Society’s hosting of IUPHAR’s flagship 19th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology – WCP2022
  • Ascertain a present-day understanding of what membership of the Society could be, as a precursor to developing an updated membership strategy.
  • Ensure that Pharmacology Matters showcases the full breadth and scope of activities undertaken by the Society

To deliver clear, relevant and accessible advice to policy makers

  • Respond to Pharmacology-relevant consultations on behalf of the Society
  • Develop our role as a valuable contributor to life science and health policy through targeted campaigns

To nurture strategic partnerships across disciplines and sectors

  • Ensure that all projects in our work throughout 2018 are developed in collaboration and consultation with sector partners and related disciplines at the appropriate stage

To define, monitor and respond to strategic areas of scientific priority

  • Consider and advise upon the role played by pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and therapeutics in responding to global health challenges and scientific or technological developments, working with key stakeholders

We will underpin our activities by focusing on sustainability, resource and infrastructure, in the following areas:

  • Continued development of sustainable and ethical income streams, moving towards self-financing of existing activities, as well as new revenues through our trading subsidiary, BPS Assessment Ltd
  • Conducting a systematic review of areas of activity in order to establish the scope to generate value and income, and to consider efficiencies
  • Reviewing Governance practices across the Society to ensure they are appropriate for the 2018-22 strategy
  • Considering options for new premises that will be an appropriate home for the Society and take into account growth and best working practices for staff